   Powersport /Power Agency/ specializes in organizing Incentive Travel, DMC Warsaw Poland, Conferences & Congresses,
Team-Building & Sport Events & Special Events - for Companies and Institutions.
Feel invited to get acquainted with our offer.


  • Business Events

    Business Events

    Integrating and socialising business events, latest products promotion, incentive getaways, special occassion events - all these are the integral part of life inside any firm. Facing our competition we have prepared numerous original scripts using innovative ideas and the latest technological developments.
  • Incentive Events

    Incentive Events

    Abroad package tours are the best form of motivation and the acknowledgement of employees' services. It is also an excellent way of expressing gratitude to the Key Clients of your company for the to date cooperation. Obviously, there is one condition - they need to be thoroughly planned, abound in attractions and organised in unique locations, often inaccessible and unaffordable for common tourists.
  • Special Events

    Special Events

    We have been actively supporting various projects and initiatives for many years and additionally we have combined this with the basic values of our company namely constant discovering of new, better ways of acting, seeking innovative solutions, and broadening the scope of what is possible and reachable. Feel invited to get acquainted with the latest reports and active participation.


Outdoor Events

When organising outdoor events our main concern is the integration of the group. Due to the well-tried methods and forms of activities we emphasise team-building, encourage to break all the limits and overcome weaknesses.

Our ideas for outdoor events are adjusted to the client's needs, the only thing that keeps the same form are the main aims of these events: the spirit of fair competition and great fun. We are most willing to combine events on location with training courses and defining team's aims. This type of gathering is finished with a summing up and drawing conclusions connected with practical functioning of the company.

Acting workshops: real team building - Warsaw Poland

Acting workshopsThis is our original programme of Acting Workshops and they are conducted by actors from the Great Theatre and the Polish Theatre. All the participants will get to know how to manipulate and be in control of  their voice, learn their own body, imbue excellent heroes and heroines, they will simply create an art!

Acting workshops: real team building - Warsaw Poland

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Smart Expedition Warsaw Poland

Smart ExpeditionHas your company experienced almost everything? Are you looking for a new way to socialise? Team building? We would like to present a real adventure for all those who are looking for sensation. Car expeditions are an excellent solution both for employees' socialising as well as unusual team building.

Smart Expedition
Warsaw Poland - Car expeditions


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Power Vehicle – Time vehicle – the best way to socialise

Time vehicle – the best way to socialisePower Vehicle is a form of creative socialising during which the task of  groups is to build their own vehicles and take part in a championship for the best vehicle's designers. This is a tried-and-tested initiative that accompanies business events, enhances interpersonal relations, and demands creative thinking. Yet, mainly it is a source of a great entertainment. Soon we will change wheels to skis and we will commence Power Vehicle winter version – Feel invited!

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Organization of getaways to soccer matches

Organization of getaways to soccer matchesSoccer is a fabulous sport which teaches not only the collaboration and team work but also toughens personality and the willingness to fight. It is connected with movement and effort just like any other sport so consequently it contributes to our fitness, slender body and the awareness of our own body. Thanks to soccer we can feel like Pele just for a second and decide about the final outcome of the match.

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Drift Taxi – the organization of motor events, extreme car rides - Warsaw Poland

Drift Taxi the organization of motor events, extreme car ridesWho didn't have a dream to become a real race driver, to feel the emotions behind the steering wheel in a racing sports car? Unfortunately, these dreams and the knowledge had to be often left in the sphere of our imagination....yet this may change!



Drift Taxi the organization of motor events, extreme car rides - a real race drivers

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DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd