Outdoor Events
When organising outdoor events our main concern is the integration of the group. Due to the well-tried methods and forms of activities we emphasise team-building, encourage to break all the limits and overcome weaknesses.
Our ideas for outdoor events are adjusted to the client's needs, the only thing that keeps the same form are the main aims of these events: the spirit of fair competition and great fun. We are most willing to combine events on location with training courses and defining team's aims. This type of gathering is finished with a summing up and drawing conclusions connected with practical functioning of the company.
Costa del Sol - An unforgettable experience for POWER!
The emotional high is over but our hearts and minds are still in Spain with the group of over 600 participants. This incentive trip had one clear goal: integration of employees from all over the world, after the pandemic period when travel and face to face meetings were impossible.
Off-golf, street golf, turbo golf. We keep going!
Cameraman workshops – Team-building in winter and summer
Acting workshops: real team building - Warsaw Poland
Acting workshops: real team building - Warsaw Poland
Smart Expedition Warsaw Poland
Smart Expedition Warsaw Poland - Car expeditions
Curling interesting social event - Curling in Poland winter sport
Curling is a winter sport which comes from Scotland and Flanders. Players slide 20kg heavy granite stone so called „rocks” across a sheet of ice towards the house, a circular target marked on the ice.
Curling in Poland - interesting social event
Power Vehicle – Time vehicle – the best way to socialise
A perfect motorcyclist – trainings for business
Organization of getaways to soccer matches
Soccer is a fabulous sport which teaches not only the collaboration and team work but also toughens personality and the willingness to fight. It is connected with movement and effort just like any other sport so consequently it contributes to our fitness, slender body and the awareness of our own body. Thanks to soccer we can feel like Pele just for a second and decide about the final outcome of the match.
Drift Taxi – the organization of motor events, extreme car rides - Warsaw Poland
Who didn't have a dream to become a real race driver, to feel the emotions behind the steering wheel in a racing sports car? Unfortunately, these dreams and the knowledge had to be often left in the sphere of our imagination....yet this may change!